16 Ways That Will Help You Find Your Work-life Balance

Work is an important part of our lives; it’s our way to give back to the world. But sometimes we lose perspective and start to live only to work. Sometimes work becomes too stressful that instead of making our lives easier, it becomes our main problem. Below is a list of ways that will help you find your work-life balance.

1. Remember that you’re here by choice: Whether you were desperate to get a job or you strived to get the job you have, you were the one who made the choice and you’re reaffirming that choice every day by going to work.

2. You’re not alone: Stop thinking about your problems and how much pressure you have from your job, and look around, you’ll find out that almost everyone is struggling with their jobs, each one has his own problems, some manage to get away from those problems and some feel helpless.

3. You’re limited by your physiology: There’s only so much you can do in one day. You need to realize that you can’t do it all and that’s alright. Lower your expectations and don’t feel guilty when you can’t get so much done in one day.

4. See the positive about your job: People, in general, work for more than the money. Some strive for success, for the challenges, getting to meet people, the opportunity of helping people… step back for a moment and consider what you like about your job. That way, you’ll find it easier to get up in the morning and you’ll enjoy your work better.

5. Focus on what you accomplished: With the endless amount of work, it’s easy to get frustrated by how much there’s to be done. Instead, praise yourself for what you accomplished. At the end of the day, it won’t hurt to tell yourself “that was a productive day, I got so much done”.

6. Your job is only what you do and not who you are: No matter how you feel about your job, remember that you’re more than your work. Your worth isn’t based on the job you’re having rig
ht now, it might be an important part of your life, but that’s not all to it.

7. Leave work at work: They don’t pay you for the extra time you spend working at home, or for the lunch hour you’re giving up for work. Don’t bring it home, because it will either suck you into it or sit there making you feel bad about yourself for not getting anything done.

8. Get yourself a life to go to after work: It’s important for you to do the things you love and be with the people you love. Don’t let your work be the only thing you live for, especially, don’t let it make you feel guilty for having a life. 

9. Write down your next day schedule before you leave: Writing things down helps you not only get organized but also put things off your mind. Before leaving your work, write down the things you need to get done the next day, that way you’ll have less to think and worry about.

10. Create a buffer time between work and home: Before getting home go out with some friends, stop off at the gym, go for a walk, or even get yourself a hot bath before preparing dinner. It will help you relax and unwind.

11. Live near your workplace: Living near your workplace will give more hours to yourself, you’ll have more time to sleep in the morning and to enjoy yourself in the evening. If you have the choice between driving or going by train, choose the latter, that way you’ll have more time to read or enjoy listening to your music and relaxing.

12. Buy your time: Instead of cooking, choose takeout or delivery every now and then to save more time for the things you want to do. Hire someone to cut the grass or clean the house and buy in bulk to shop less.

13. Find flexibility in deadlines: Deadlines can be a major source of stress and pressure. Deadlines are important, but you’ll have to accept realistic ones only, if you can’t deliver it, don’t accept it or promise it. 

14. Prioritize your tasks: The thing is, we sometimes choose to start with the easy tasks and put off the hardest ones which often are the urgent ones. The following model developed by Alan Lakein is called “ABC system”. It goes like this, you make 3 lists. In the list A you write down the urgent tasks that need to get done first, in the list B you write down the things that should be done, but that are not so urgent and in the list C, you write down the things that might be done if there’s time left. Once you’re done with the list A, you move on to the list B, and if there’s enough time, you move on to the list C. 

15. Use the 20-minute break rule: It’s been proven scientifically that our energy and activity levels rise throughout two hours until it reaches its peak then comes down, right then you’ll need to take a 20-minute break in order to restore your energy and keep going, otherwise, you’ll be working unproductively.

16. Take vacations: As with the 20-minute break rule, we need a vacation every now and then. You don’t have to need a vacation to take it. Take it before you need it, that way, you’ll enjoy your time.

Remember that no matter what people expect from you to achieve, the most important thing will remain, for you to be happy in your life. And that happiness has nothing to do with how long you work or how much you earn.

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